Syksy Räsänen talks about pinkwashing and Israel’s apartheid system

Is it okay to feel pride? Who gets to celebrate it? What is and isn’t pinkwashing? Who is the Fagman?

Jamie & Juuso celebrated Helsinki Pride by hosting the fourth You Can’t Be Serious and this time it’s all about the scariest of the seven deadly sins: Pride! We also have to awesome guests: Writer, physicist and activist Syksy Räsänen talks about pinkwashing and Israel’s apartheid system. Also comedians Elie Abraham and Anna Ruohonen get weird in their sets and general weirdness abounds!

You Can’t Be Serious will return in autumn 2017 with SLOTH, ENVY & GLUTTONY.

Recorded live at Café Mascot, Helsinki.
Music: Tuomas Peurakoski



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