Inna Michaelin ja Samia Botmehin videohaastattelut


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Interview with Inna Michaeli from Coalition of Women for Peace, WhoProfits Project, made by ICAHD Finland. Michaeli adresses the following questions:

What kind of peace does Israel want?

How is BDS viewed in the Israeli society?

Is Israel the only democracy in the Middle East?

What is the state of gender equality in Israel?

What is the role of international civil society in coming to a just resolution in

Why is it important to mark products made in Israeli settlements differently from products made in Israel?

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Interview with Samia Botmeh, representative of the BDS National Committee and director of the Centre for Development Studies at Birzeit University, made by ICAHD Finland. Botmeh adresses the following questions:

What is BDS?

What is the BDS National Committee?

Why did the Palestinians issue a call for boycott, divestment and sanctions?

Why is BDS an important strategy?

It is often said that the United States plays the key role when it comes to Israel. What is the role of the EU?

What can small countries like Finland do to contribute to a just resolution in Israel/Palestine?

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