German Jews ’indundated’ with requests to join new Gaza aid flotilla (Haaretz 14.06.2010)
Jewish Voices for a Just Peace seeks second vessel, as dozens more activists ask to take part in aid mission.
An association of German Jews planning to send a boat with humanitarian aid to break the Gaza blockade is searching for a second vessel, given the high number of requests to travel with the group.
The group, Jewish Voices for a Just Peace, had originally planned to send one small vessel from an unnamed Mediterranean port in mid- July, with the intention of getting aid past the Israeli-imposed blockade of Gaza.
However, spokeswoman Edith Lutz told dpa that ”our preparations have been held back somewhat because we have been inundated with requests to travel.”
Lutz said that the first vessel, which could hold up to 14 passengers, was now full and that a further 40 German Jews were seeking to travel aboard a second vessel.