Palestinian mosque torched in suspected ’price tag’ operation by settlers (Haaretz 4.10.2010)

Kommentti :: ”The attack is thought to be the latest in so-called ’price tag’ operations, intended to pressure the Israel government away from making concessions regarding settlement building in the West Bank.” Laittomien siirtokuntien asukkaiden tekemät järjestelmälliset hyökkäykset ja sabotaasi ylittää harvoin uutiskynnyksen Suomessa.

West Bank mosque arsonPalestinians inspect a West Bank mosque allegedly torched by Israeli settlers, April 2010.
Photo by: AP

Alleged attack, likely a protest against a possible Israeli compromise in the West Bank, comes amid a recent impasse in peace talks over the demand to extend the settlement freeze.

By Avi Issacharoff and DPA

A Palestinian mosque was set alight and vandalized late Sunday night in what police suspected was a ”price tag” operation by nearby settlers wishing to protest Israel’s West Bank policies.

Residents of the village of Bayt Fajar, south of Bethlehem, alleged that a group of settlers, apparently from the nearby Gush Etzion settlement bloc, entered the village in the early hours and burnt down the mosque before residents were able to kick them out.
View West Bank mosque attacked, October 3, 2010 in a larger map


Residents rushed to the mosque when they saw the flames and began fighting with the settlers, they added.

Israeli soldiers arrived in the area and broke up the fight and forced the settlers to leave.

Carpets in the mosque and about a dozen copies of the Koran, the Muslim holy book, were burnt, witnesses said.

The Palestinian Authority strongly condemned the arson, describing it as ”a serious escalation in settler violence,” against the Palestinians, according to government spokesman Ghassan Khatib.

The attack is thought to be the latest in so-called ”price tag” operations, intended to pressure the Israel government away from making concessions regarding settlement building in the West Bank.

This latest incident came amid a fresh crisis in direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority over the Palestinian demand that Israel extend its recently expired moratorium on settlement building.

In April, two vehicles in a Palestinian village in the northern West Bank were torched with vandals scrawling the words ”price tag” on one of the cars, in what had likely been a protest against Israel’s settlement freeze, then still in affect.

A similar incident was carried that same week, when unknown vandals sprayed a Star of David with the name Mohammed beside it on a mosque in the West Bank village of Hawara.

The words ”Thank you God, for not making me a Gentile” were spray-painted elsewhere in the village and two cars were torched in another location. No suspects have yet been caught.


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