ICAHD Finland haastatteli helmikuussa Rauhanfoorumin vieraita, journalisti
Gideon Levyä ja tutkija Mouin Rabbania. Haastattelut ovat nähtävissä ICAHD
Finlandin Vimeo-tilillä. Heidän haastatteluissaan käsiteltiin seuraavia
Gideon Levy
It is sometimes said that as long as the United States supports Israel, the rest of the world is irrelevant. What is the role of the EU?
Is Finland’s arms trade with Israel problematic?
How to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict?
What is the effect of the African refugee question on wider Israeli politics?
What is the role of the Israeli media with regard to the occupation?
What is the role of the Israeli peace movement?
What is your view of issue of the one state solution vs. two state solution?
What is your view on academic and cultural boycott as compared to economic boycott?
What led you to change your mind regarding BDS?
Mouin Rabbani
What is the impact of the Arab uprisings on the question of Palestine?
It is sometimes said that as long as the United States supports Israel, the rest of the world is irrelevant. What is the role of the EU?
What is the role of international civil society in finding a resolution to the Israel/Palestine conflict?
What is the importance of the new EU guidelines forbidding EU institutions from supporting activities in the Israeli settlements?
Is Finland’s arms trade with Israel problematic?
How to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict?
What is the status of Palestinian grassroots activism and where is it going?
What is the role of the BDS movement?
What is the importance of the 2012 initiative for Palestine to have observer status at the UN?
What is your view of issue of the one state solution vs. two state solution?
Gideon Levyn haastattelu kokonaisuudessaan täällä.
Mouin Rabbanin koko haastattelu täällä.